And the nets are closing in around us even now....

I once heard Paul Washer say "that even as we continue to play soccer mom and dad in our "happy" Christian lives...the nets are closing in! The time of persecution has begun." With that, I came across another blog that I felt needed to be read. One of my favorite pastors, Dr. Voddie Baucham has written a blog concerning a recent letter that President Obama wrote and I believe is available on the White House website. Those who know me well, know that I am neither a Democrat or Republican as much as I want someone to lead us Biblically. However, I don't know that an option like that will ever present itself, especially after reading this.

Here is the link to the Blog. It is not incredibly long but it is incredibly frightening.,_GAY,_BISEXUAL,_AND_TRANSGENDER_PRIDE_MONTH,_2009.html


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