Next Day Birth Control Pill Not Abortive?

I recently saw a commercial for something called "Next Day Birth Control Pill." I don't remember the actual brand name but one thing I do recall. After again just noticing how much we despise the idea of getting pregnant in this world, I heard the following phrase on the commercial, "This drug is not the abortion pill."

Really? Well listen up pro-lifers (by that I mean those that believe that life begins at the moment of conception). According to the NY Times, which you can read here, "The pills prevent pregnancy by keeping a fertilized egg from implanting into the uterus, where it could grow into an embryo." Key words here would be "fertilized egg" and "it could grow." I say again "fertilized egg equaling 'conception'" and "it could grow equaling 'only things that are alive grow'!"

I know it is old news to some but my eyes and ears are beginning to catch the rapidity with which our government and media are saturating our minds with these ideas that things are ok as long as they have been medically approved. The process mentioned above is also the fourth step that every other birth control drug on the market is made to do just in case it missed the first three steps before fertilization. Again this is not a new concept and it is not a new drug. Birth control of all types have been used for literally thousands of years. The main problem is and always has been our culture's perspective on having children. We are still a "I'll have children, when I'm older, financially secure and ready, but I will only have two unless they are both the same sex in which case I can have a pass to try again" culture.


Sandie said…
I heard that same commercial and couldn't believe my ears. It is totally an abortion. It ends a life just as surely as late term abortion does or murder does. So sad how easily we are decived simply because we would rather go by our own plan.

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